
Southeast アジアのcenter
Investment is successful and the heart is strong.

この10年多り、カンボジアはより多くのinvestorを世界からお Zhaoきするために、Suharu らしい経済発 Displayを Suiげてきました. The liberalization of the market, the liberalization of the market, the environmental protection, the international market, the international market, the selection of the environmentど、さまざまなlateral で経済movable が広がり、live 発になっています. The economic growth rate in the past 10 years has averaged 8% per year, and the average annual growth rate in the past 10 years has been more than 7%, and we are looking forward to it.

The location of the capital city, the location of the capital city, and the center of the East-West Corridor.つまりここは, ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), GMS Center (GMS) Center, and long-term investment place といえるのです.

Competition is intensifying and the international competition is winning. The Japanese government has implemented trade liberalization and tax reform measures.

カンボジアの特徴と in ​​and out of the company への Grace をいくつかをご Introduction します.

  • It is possible for 100% foreign-invested enterprises to branch out into different fields and businesses.
  • Foreign company's 50-year land management system (can be updated and updated)
  • Establishment of USドルestablished club and various rulings
  • There are no restrictions on sending money abroad in exchange for currency.
  • Stable economic growth rate of over 7% for 11 years
  • Toyotomi's true face is Naruto
  • Exemption from importing construction materials and production machinery (QIP: Qualified Investment Program)
  • Exemption of import taxes on export industries, raw materials, and export taxes (QIP: Qualified Investment Program)
  • Corporate tax exemption for up to 9 years, application of special compensation can be selected (QIP: Qualified Investment Program)
  • Related Provincial Residential Service Residents (Resident Residents of the Special Administrative Region)
  • Exemption of 10% VAT for imported construction materials, production equipment and raw materials used in the production of output products (Special bonus for companies that move into the special zone)

ロイヤルグループプノンペン経済Special Zone Co., Ltd.はIn 2006, にプノンペンsuburban area established されました. In October 2023, people with over 90 households will be able to move in, and the government-issued agencies will be able to move in quickly.

ロイヤルグループプノンペン経済Special Zoneは、电気の安全用をはじめとする信格性が高くflood control policyを时したインフラ, water supply and drainage treatment equipment and flood prevention システム, Employees provide services to the cafeteria, staff dormitory, Nippon Food Restaurant, Chuka Restaurant, Mitsubishi Restaurant, クリニック, Human Resources Training Center, and Bank of Japanいます.

357ヘクタールの士地は, 3フェーズで开発されており, ほとんどはbury the まっており, からの公司様に in the world していただいています.

ロイヤルグループプノンペン経済Special Zoneは2010年にはISO9001とISO14001の両方をobtainedしています.このことは, private high-quality and modern なインフラやenvironment を maintenance し, high-quality いレベルのcustomer サービスにtaking りgroup んでいることをprove するものです.

Transparency of private corporate activities and transparency of private corporate activities.また, Zhou 辺コミュニティにも, regular なCSR activities やイベントを通して, communication を続けています.

private たちは特に、the following のような軽INDUSTRY や労働INTENSIVE INDUSTRY のみなさんにロイヤルグループプノンペン経済Special Zone に来ていただきたいとKaoえています.

  • Export the domestic market to the machinery and electronics manufacturing industry
  • Sewing, bootmaking, and sewing industry
  • Region: Domestic market: food processing, agriculture
  • カスタマープロダクツ(medical medicine, パッケージなど)
  • Output, regional, and domestic market oriented product groups and establishment of factories
  • Logistics Enterprises

より detailしいcontentのおquestion合せやごvisit については、どうぞお気軽にcontact usまでご Contact ください.

Uematsu Yuji Hong Kong Special Economic Zone Co., Ltd.CEO

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